Why Contractors Should Use LED Lighting

Despite the numerous and substantial advantages of light-emitting diode (LED) lighting, the widespread adoption of LED lights for homes and businesses by contractors hasn’t wholly become an industry standard. The impediment to all-in industry adoption is chiefly because traditionally, LED has been more expensive than other options. 


That dynamic, however, has changed.LEDs are now more affordable than ever—particularly if you can take advantage of a robust wholesale program through a reputable vendor. Considering the many benefits of LEDs for home and commercial lighting, instead of that incandescent, go with an LED bulb, and instead of a fluorescent, opt for an LED tube light. Here are a few reasons to opt for LED lights for your next project:

LEDs Are More Efficient and Last Longer

One of the primary ways in which LEDs outshine the alternatives, so to speak, is in their longevity. They are significantly longer lasting than any of the other common lighting sources, often exponentially so. LEDs have 15-25 times greater longevity than traditional incandescent bulbs and last8-25 times longer than halogen incandescents. The longer lifespan of LEDs compared to other light sources also means you’re able to spend a bit more on LEDs while still coming out ahead.

According to the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, LEDs are among the most energy-efficient technologies. One of the reasons why is because LEDsrelease virtually no heat, which means more light from less electricity. Traditional incandescent bulbs, on the other hand, are incredibly inefficient as a significant portion of their energy is released (wasted) as heat. 

LEDs Are Safer

Other lighting options letting off so much heat really hinders theirefficiency. And that lack of efficiency is easy for anyone to verify. In fact, you may very well have inadvertently verified that inefficiency yourself if you’ve ever burned yourself on a hot light bulb. There’s another practical reason that it’s a good thing the LED tube by someone’s bed doesn’t heat up to blister-raising temperatures like incandescent bulbs and even compact fluorescent lights(CFLs)—safety. When bulbs get overly hot or are not replaced when they need to be they pose a safety hazard and could start a fire.In addition, CFLs should be handled very carefully even when not hot as they contain mercury. LEDs, on the other hand, stay much cooler than their lighting counterparts, making them a safer choice.

LEDs Are Greener

The trend toward greener building practices, eco-friendly building materials, and more environmentally friendly buildings in general is good for the planet. It’s also good for business as (particularly among the younger generation) the demand for greener, more responsible spaces is greater than ever and is only going to become more common and ubiquitous. The fact that LED lights are so much more efficient than the alternatives makes them significantly more eco-friendly, it also makes them more cost-effective, which is always a perk. Additionally, LEDs are free of the aforementioned mercury found in CFLs and they’re generally recyclable. 

About Hyperikon

In 2010, Hyperikon’s founders had their ‘lightbulb’ moment. Their bright idea to provide every business and consumer with reliable access to LED lighting innovations, plus impeccable service, was realized. And by 2014, they launched their brand online, selling more than 250 LED products—including their top-rated LED tube lights and efficient LED spotlight bulbsto nearly 3 million customers. While they now feature a complete catalog and a devoted customer base, their founding zeal for innovation, peerless quality, and unrivaled customer service, remains. Today, Hyperikon proudly holds several U.S. patents and over 700 certifications and qualifications.

Make the brightest choice for the environment, for efficiency, and for your bottom line with Hyperikon, at Hyperikon.com


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