Why Choosing LED Lighting Makes Sense When Building a Dream Home, House Addition, or Remodeling

When actually building your dream home, the addition you’ve always wanted, or remodeling the home you love into the home you’ve dreamed of, there’s always a tension. It’s the tension between desire and budget. You want to incorporate the best, most advanced, longest-lasting material available, but the project has to remain on budget. There is one area, however, in which the most advanced, efficient, and longest-lasting technology is also the most financially sound choice—LED lighting. When incorporating LED technology into your project, the only tension you’ll face is whether to use the T5 or T8 LED tube lighting in your new garage.


Lighting for the House, Garage, and Outbuildings

Speaking of lighting in the new garage: One of the reasons for the popularity of LED lighting technology is its versatility. The individual light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that produce the light are extremely small. That allows LED lights to be engineered as bulbs, tubes, spotlights, streetlights, and virtually any other illumination media necessary. They’re also extremely heat- and cold-resistant, making them favorites for illumination of fridges, freezers, and electronic devices that get hot. That translates to terrific indoor and outdoor performance. For lighting your garage, rather than the flickering, oft-uncomfortable light of fluorescent tubes, you can get more efficient, longer-lasting light from LED T8 4ft tubes.

Financial Benefits

Likely the chief financial benefit of LED lighting is the cumulative savings from smaller electric bills. LEDs are considerably more efficient than any of the other available lighting technologies. Exponentially more efficient than some of them. That efficiency results in less power used for the same amount of light produced, hence a lower power bill. LED lights also last many times longer than the other available lighting systems. That translates into money you’re not spending on new bulbs and time you’re not spending changing them.

Environmental Benefits

It seems rare to encounter a modern technology that’s more convenient, saves you money, and is better for the environment. LED lighting, however, fits the bill. That energy-efficient bulb or tube is lowering your electric bill by burning less fossil fuel, and thereby reducing your carbon footprint. LED lights lasting longer also reduces the frequency with which you’re replacing them. That means fewer bulbs or tube sending up in landfills, and packaging that’s not joining them there. Additionally, LED bulbs are virtually the only lighting technology that’s entirely recyclable in many places and, unlike some other lighting technologies, they contain no mercury.

Additional Benefits of LEDs

Then there are the benefits of using LEDs beyond versatility, finances, and the environment. For instance, many LED producers and distributors have WiFi-enabled bulbs and outlets, allowing them to be controlled with third-party apps. They can be turned on and off, monitored, dimmed, scheduled, and put on a timer from pretty much anywhere. That greater energy efficiency also manifests as less energy produced as heat—LEDs producing almost none of it—which makes them safe for use around insulation and other flammable material. Plus, unlike a number of other lighting technologies, LED lighting doesn’t fade the paint or fabrics it illuminates.

About Hyperikon

In 2010, the founders of Hyperikon had a “light bulb” moment. They decided to provide businesses and consumers with consistent, reliable access to LED lighting innovations, delivered with impeccable service. Their objective was further realized in 2014 when Hyperikon launched online, offering nearly 3 million customers over 250 LED lighting products. They have a comprehensive lighting catalog including offerings such as commercial-grade LED tube lights 4ft, all backed by that founding zeal for innovation and unmatched customer service. Today, Hyperikon proudly holds a number of U.S. patents and more than 700 certifications and qualifications.

Find out why the brightest choice you can make for our environment, for energy efficiency, and your bottom line is Hyperikon, at Hyperikon.com


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